moses in the basket

I woke up in a mood,for some reason she woke me up at 6:00am this was strange. She demanded me to dress the baby up in his warmest clothes and put him in are picknick basket and on the way to the river put tar in the basket, so i did.

I finaly got to the river and put him in the river. I kept watching until the princess came she took him  out of the basket and said “I need someone to care for this baby moses!” moses’ sister said “I know someone mirien can !!”

by sam secker   5mc

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5 Responses to moses in the basket

  1. Kelsey L says:

    Well done Sam I like our story!

  2. Kelsey L says:

    Well done Sam I like your story!

  3. Emily says:

    Well done Sam!!!

  4. charlie a says:

    wow sam your story was outstanding.(:

  5. Harry says:

    Well done sam that looks great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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